Residual Income In A Box The Future Of Nigerians? RIIAB

Hello guys! Its business time.
If you have been following my updates on this blog, I've been posting bout wealth creation in this time of recession today I would show you a new method/means that has begun paying Nigerians.

Residual income in a box RIIAB has come to stay and make our life better
Register with N1000 and get 2Milion in level 4 

Are you surprised? See how it works below.

               How it works:

RIIAB means Residual Income In A Box
It's a system with Member to Member Payment. That means that it is direct payment to personal accounts and not to any third party or admin or internet site.

All you need to be part of it is just N1,000 only. You pay it to the bank account of the person that referred you to the business. That person is the one that will approve your registration after receiving alert of your payment to his/her bank account
When the 3 person join under you, your total earning is N3,000. You will then use the N3,000 to upgrade to level 2. This time the upgrading money goes to the upline of your upline. On receiving the alert of your payment, he/she will now approve your request to upgrade to level 2

In level 2, you earn all the level 2 upgrades of the people in your level 2. They are the downlines of your 3 downlines. They are 9 in number and they will pay N3,000 each to your own bank account. The total is N27,000

You will now use N8,910 out of the money to upgrade to level 3. You pay your level 3 upgrade money to the bank account of your level 3 upline up.

At level 3, you earn a total of about N240,570
Out of that money, you will take about N26,730 and upgrade to level 4. Once the alert of your payment of level 4 is received, your upline who received it will now approve it for you.

At level 4, you earn a total of N2,165,130.

The program ends at level 4
If you are pretty much committed to work on this, you can generate a total of N2.1 million within few weeks.

You need Just three people to work with and three people also get their own three people and it continues like that until the 4th level.

The summary
level 1 = 3 people
level 2 = 9 People
level 3 = 27 People
level 4 = 81 People

upgrading fee on each level 
level 1=N1,000
level 2=N3,000
level 3=N8,910
level 4=N26,730 

Your income on each level
level 1=N3,000
level 2=N27,000 
level 3=N240,570 
level 4=N2,165,130

Note :-
Money is paid into members by members bank account or collected by cash in this business, you pay the coy and not the other way round.

•Inactive members are strictly deleted after 72Hours

I know you are baffled by the way you upgrade to level 2 with your earnings, Don't worry, this is to let you enjoy better benefit on level 2.

Remember it Is a life time investment,

Now I and my team would try and provide at least 1 or 2  down line each for any member on our group  registered under our link,  the rest would be added to there own down line  making our team to grow fast as possible.

Are you scared of getting down lines,? Kindly join my team today and see our work rate grow.

The last time I posted about a networking that you can start with N1000 see our conversion from that one.

Can you see ?

Join our Active team on RIIAB today and watch your team grow up to 81 persons.

Our Team are able for the task.

Just like I said before, join the moving team, in order to find your self at the top.

We hope to see you join our group soon cheers! 

We have a What's app group where our team corporates and members are given downlines for our team to grow.

•Kindly Note•  There terms are for those willing to join RIIAB
and can be able to pay within 1 working day in other to get more down lines to themselves.

•Only those registered via our link are eligible to join and enjoy our benefit.

•Once you have up to 3 Members under you, you are made An Executive Admin and you can help our team grow.

Together we can achieve greatness!

Click on the what's app link to add my business line on What's app For your Registration link to enable you join our group.

Currently, my  3 Slots are now completed in level 1 even before writing this post lol.

Now I would help  do the work for my readers/Visitors let's get up to 81 Members on our Team. 

Have a nice time 

Happy Money making! 


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