Facebook Introduced Live Video For Android And IOS
Facebook live enables users to post there actions live on facebook.
How Do I Go Live on Facebook?
To go Live using Facebook for iOS:
1. Tap at the top of your News Feed or Page
2. Tap live
3. Write an optional description for your broadcast
4. Tap Go Live to begin your broadcast
5. Tap Finish when you want to end your broadcast
To go Live using Facebook for Android:
1. Tap live at the top of your News Feed or Page
2. Write an optional description for your broadcast
3. Tap Go Live to begin your broadcast
4. Tap Finish when you want to end your broadcast
Once you begin streaming, an alert will be sent to your Facebook friends, notifying them of your stream. The top half of your screen will show what your viewers are seeing, with a control to switch between the front and rear facing camera in the top-right corner.
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