(Facepalm, Shrug) WhatsApp Has added plenty of new emojis from Android 7.1 including professions and gender equality

Emojis, there are thousands of them and yet you always seem to be looking for that one emoji that doesn't exist yet.

 Did we have to wait this long to have a facepalm or crossed fingers? I guess we did. Anyway, let's skip the pointless blabber and go straight to the point: WhatsApp has new emojis on Android.

Regardless of which version of Android you're using, WhatsApp 2.17.44 beta (APK Mirror) has implemented the font images to properly display plenty of new emojis that are found in Unicode 9.0 and Emoji 4.0. If that sounds like jargon to you, you should know that in layman terms, they're all the new emojis found in iOS 10.2. But technically, they contain plenty of characters that Google proposed to the Unicode committee last year and got approval for and included in Android 7.1, like the gender equality and the profession emojis.


There's also a clown, an avocado, a girl and a boy doing a facepalm and a shrug, a butterfly, bacon, a nauseated face, a new dancing boy, and finally, finally, a whiskey glass, and a few more.

You can sign up for the WhatsApp beta then wait for the app to update on the Play Store, or you can grab version 2.17.44 beta manually from APK Mirror.


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